
The Power of Hydration in HEALING

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The Power of Hydration in HEALING

You struggle with anxiety, you have trouble falling asleep, digestive issues, bone pains, night time muscle cramps and muscle spasms.  Could the solution to your suffering be something as simple as ample hydration.  When you think hydration you are prob thinking about the gym bros carrying around their gallon of water and the thought of that makes you need to run to the restroom. What if I told you hydration is much more than drinking a gallon of water, or that maybe a gallon of water might not be appropriate for you!    Hydration includes the absorption of electrolytes. In...

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Break Up with Inflammation

Posted by Kyndle Moore on

Break Up with Inflammation

Look at these two images These are YEARS apart but on the exact same day. (left ) I am struggling with acne, inflammation. My skin looks dull, My face looks puffy. (right) My skin has been clear for over a year. My skin is bright and dewy. My face looks slender.  If you pick up anything from this blog post, I want you to know that INFLAMMATION starts somewhere. Your body is in constant communication with you ( via your energy levels, your skin and appearance, your hair and nails, your bowel movements, your period... BUT the question is, ARE...

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Healing Gurl F**k ups and Wins ( don't make the same mistakes I did )

Posted by Kyndle Moore on

Healing Gurl F**k ups and Wins ( don't make the same mistakes I did )

** The advice in this blog post is NOT medical advice. These are things I found to be true in my journey. My healing gurl journey started when I started digging DEEP to find the root cause of my acne.  I had always struggled with hormonal acne and was thrown on BC ( birth control)  pills my first year of college 2010. The HBC ( hormonal birth control)  worked, my skin was super clear BUT I had mood swings, low sex drive and just didn't feel like myself.  Fast forward 2017-2019 on two separate occasions I tried to come off BC...

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Therapy Changed my Life ( healing gurl era -therapy journey)

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Therapy Changed my Life ( healing gurl era -therapy journey)

Many times when we talk about healing we focus on food, exercise, drinking more water ... etc. What we often forget is the MASSIVE impact our mental health has on our physical health. You quite literally can not heal the body without healing the mind. What I learned in my healing gurl era, is that no matter how many areas I  progressed in within  my healing journey ( consistency with my supplements, focusing on mineral intake, eating clean, using clean products)  None of that mattered if/when  my mind was not in a healthy place For the longest I thought therapy...

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Harriet The WORM ( my experience with a parasite)

Posted by Kyndle Moore on

Harriet The WORM ( my experience with a parasite)

** Trigger warning - There will be a photo of Harriet at the end.. she sounds cute...but she wasn't. I also talk about poop and enemas in the blog- You were warned !! As a part of my healing gurl era and journey I cant leave out the juicy details of my friend Harriet, the worm. The worm that I found in my poop during my healing process... YEA... you heard that right.  In my most recent blog post I walked you through my healing journey and some of the things I implemented to heal my gut / skin/ body and...

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